Federal Investigation Finds Biden To Be Mentally Ill And ‘UNSOUND’

Calls grow for Biden to be removed from office after bombshell DOJ report detailed his ‘diminished faculties’: Top Republican demands AG Merrick Garland make the first move to oust the president

New York Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney sent a letter to the Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that he ‘begin proceedings’ to remove President Joe Biden under the 25th Amendment after a bombshell report highlighted Biden’s mental challenges.  The Department of Justice released its long-awaited investigation into Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents Thursday, delivering a damning assessment of the president’s ‘diminished faculties’ and limited memory.  Special Counsel Robert Hur described him as ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,’ and that ‘it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him’ for retaining classified documents.

WH Reportedly Pressured Hur Behind Scenes
To Take Out Passages On Biden’s Memory Lapses

Democrat insiders say it is now ‘PANIC TIME’ and party should DUMP Biden at its summer convention with Gavin Newsom ‘waiting in the wings’ after Justice Department said president had ‘diminished faculties’

NEW Some Democrats want to unseat the 81-year-old president as the Democrat nominee at the party’s convention in Chicago in August.

It’s over – Joe knows it and America knows it. Now MAUREEN CALLAHAN delivers a blistering message to spineless Democrats: After THAT car crash national address, keeping Biden in office isn’t just unpatriotic… it’s dangerous

It’s no longer up for debate: Joe Biden has got to go. In a hastily called press conference Thursday night, President Biden was, for the first time, questioned relentlessly by the White House press pool about his age, cognition, and fitness to serve. Finally! The ostensible headline was meant to be the Department of Justice report had cleared Biden of mishandling classified documents. But the real headline was contained in the special counsel Robert Hur’s reasoning. He wrote that a jury would be unlikely to convict because Biden, 81, is ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ suffering ‘diminished faculties in advancing age’. Biden told investigators that he could not recall when his term as vice president ended. ‘If it was 2013 – when did I stop being vice president?’ he asked. Oh dear.

Special counsel: Biden 'willfully retained and disclosed' classified info...

'elderly man with poor memory'...

'Did Not Remember When He Was VP'...

'When His Son Died'... As Biden found to suffer from Feinstein-ism and dementia


Same Old Story: Biden Again Talks About Meeting With Dead European Leaders

Putin trashes Biden as ancient idiot

Biden was ‘painfully slow’ in interviews with the Department of Justice and ‘strained to read his own NOTEBOOK’

NEW Joe Biden was ‘painfully slow’ during interviews with Department of Justice investigators as he battled a failing memory, according to a damning report into his mishandling of sensitive documents.

President Mumblebum talks to dead people. Can’t remember who Hamas are. And now even his own DOJ pack him off to the nursing home! KENNEDY’S head-in-hands conclusion: Biden won’t be voted out of the White House – he’ll be wheeled out

KENNEDY: Undeniable evidence of Joe Biden ‘s startling mental decline is accumulating faster than naked selfies in Hunter’s laptop. The Special Counsel investigating Biden’s mishandling of classified documents found he ‘willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.’ But – get this hot load of malarkey – Joe won’t be charged. Why? Because his own Justice Department has concluded that a jury would find him to be ‘a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.’ Translation: No juror would throw their poor old grandpa in the clink, so the DOJ is not going to bother prosecuting. And it gets worse. Call the cops! It’s official. America’s top law enforcement department thinks Biden’s brains have turned to mashed potatoes.

Biden’s odds of winning the Democratic nomination nosedive after damning special counsel report on his ‘faulty memory’ – as flurry of bets are thrown down on Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom

The President’s chance of making November’s ballot has plunged to just 60 percent giving a boost to potential candidates Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom and Kamal Harris

Whopping 86% of voters say Biden is ‘too old’ for another term after DOJ report said president is too feeble to be charged in classified documents case

A vast majority of American voters – 86 percent – say President Joe Biden, 81, is too old for another term in office, and 62 percent same the same about Donald Trump.

The week Biden lost the New York Times: Liberal paper’s Editorial Board unleashes astonishing broadside warning of ‘a dark moment’ as it runs back-to-back Sunday opinion pieces knifing the ailing president after damning DOJ report on his infirmity

The week Biden lost the New York Times: Liberal paper's Editorial Board unleashes

Anxieties from the liberal NYT Editorial Board and opinion writers show how worried they are that ailing Biden may not be able to beat Trump this year. Biden’s lack of enthusiasm on the campaign trail, coupled with his doddering public appearances, is a huge concern, according to the left-leaning paper.

Biden’s ‘hoarders’ garage: Pictures show classified Afghan docs lying amid mess, cluttered cupboards and home office

Photographs of Joe Biden ‘s garage revealed a scene straight from the TV show Hoarders.

How more than 62% of Americans do NOT think Biden has the mental capacity for a second term, nearly 30% more than Trump

Americans are deeply skeptical about President Joe Biden ‘s mental capacity to serve a second term as he begins in earnest to make his case for re-election.

Biden’s own DOJ says he’s an ‘elderly man with a poor memory’: Classified docs probe reveals he ‘willfully’ retained  files in garage, forgot when his son Beau died AND couldn’t remember when he was vice president

The Department of Justice released its long-awaited investigation into President Joe Biden ‘s mishandling handling of classified documents Thursday, delivering a damning assessment that he was an ‘elderly man with a poor memory.’ Although the repot did not recommend bringing charges against the 81-year-old president it provides a cascade of damaging findings about sensitive files found in Biden’s garage and personal office. In interviews with investigators, he became muddled about the dates he was vice president and could not even remember the year in which his beloved son Beau died.

Republicans Rick Scott and Marjorie Taylor Greene call for Biden’s Cabinet to invoke 25th Amendment and remove him from office claiming he already had ‘diminished faculties’ eight years ago

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott says it is time to remove President Biden from office using the 25th Amendment after a scathing Department of Justice report.

Biden claims he has been completely exonerated in classified docs probe: Joe ignores DOJ saying he’s elderly and has a poor memory to celebrate NOT being criminally charged

‘I was pleased to see they reached the conclusion I believed all along they would reach – that there would be no charges brought in this case,’ Biden said,

Over $3 BILLION flowed from Biden’s financiers US venture capital firms to China to aid military and spy capabilities: Bombshell House report  reveals how American dollars are ‘subsidizing’ CCP’s ‘malign’ regime

Top lawmakers put out a bombshell report Thursday revealing how billions of American dollars are flowing into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden buddy JPMorgan banking exec Jes Staley stayed in contact with Epstein for YEARS despite claiming he cut off contact when he became boss of UK bank Barclays, new lawsuit claims

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein stayed in touch with Jes Staley for years after the former Barclays boss claimed they had cut contact, legal documents allege.